Monday, June 25, 2007

I think Laynee would much rather play with the camera than eat the cake:)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Some more of my favorites


Yep, that's right – I may not have my website up yet (much harder than you think…but it'll be up very soon thank you) and I may not be "myspace" educated (working on that too), but I've got a BLOG –YIPPEE!!!!

But what do you do with a BLOG????? Good question, here's what I plan to do…post some photos from the sessions I do and talk about...


Here's a few from today… Laynee's a clown!

Here's Alexis and Lane

And my lovely assistant for the day...

And there's more to come!!!!!

Thanks Lela, Shelli, Alexis, Lane and Laynee (whew) – it was fun and I think (KNOW) you're gonna LOVE 'em. Can't wait until next timeJ

See ya;)